BookBots Are an Author’s Best Friend

Authors — Connect with your readers in a unique and innovative way.


Publishers –Support your talented authors with cutting-edge technology.


Introducing your very own custom BookBot!

IMAGINE having a chatbot exclusively trained on your book’s content, ready to engage and answer questions on your behalf.

It’s like having a dedicated assistant, always available to provide valuable insights to your readers!

Picture this – you can host a virtual book session with readers from all over the world, anytime, anywhere.

The BookBot makes it possible.

The uses are UNLIMITED!

Strengthen your fan base.
Expand your reach.
Answer questions instantly about your book.
Keep readers engaged while you sleep.
Create unforgettable launch activities.
Capture leads during speaking engagements.
Plan interactive marketing campaigns.

BUT WAIT, there’s more!

Your BookBot goes the extra mile to PROMOTE YOUR OFFERS and EVENTS! Attract and capture leads effortlessly and persuade them to take action!

With BookBot, you can captivate your ideal readers, deliver value-laden content, and ultimately sell more books.

So, whether you’re an author or a publisher, take your book promotion to new heights with BookBot! BUY NOW!


Check out my Bookbot below trained on my book Do the Hustle Without the Hassle. 

It’s a book about how to succeed in the online freelancer economy.